Persist Until Something Happens (PUSH)


Persist Until Something Happens (PUSH) is a great mindset when you are aiming for success in life. A PUSH mindset will increase your productivity and prepare you for success. Staying motivated is easy when things are working out for you, but staying motivated can be difficult when you are not getting the desired results. So, all you need in such a situation are courage and hope, which becomes mental resilience and physical strength. That is where the idea of the PUSH mindset comes in. You must be courageous to be optimistic in life. When you are reasonably hopeful, nothing can put you down in your endeavours, knowing your success is around the corner. Remember how the law of attraction works: the body achieves what the mind believes. The best method of implementing that maxim is by channelling your psychic energy towards your intentions.

Furthermore, the best method of taking over the ownership of life is to master the art of living, which is turning negative vibes into positive energy. Doing that will make you persistent in all your endeavours in life. Remember, persistence beats resistance. When you are reasonably optimistic, you will consider failure an opportunity for growth, failure as success in disguise, and rejection as a chance to get something better. You will utilise setbacks as momentum to propel yourself forward to attain success. You will see your glass as half-full rather than half-empty. Though it takes impeccable courage to be persistent and optimistic in the face of adversity, when you are reasonably hopeful, you will be successful.

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